Comprehensive Sexual Education

At Healthy and Free TN, we believe that all Tennesseans, including and especially young people, should have access to accurate and complete information about sexual and reproductive health based on the best available science. By taking a holistic approach, one that includes age-appropriate, gender-inclusive, medically accurate information on a broad set of topics related to sexual health we can help young people reduce their risk of HIV/AIDS, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and unintended pregnancy. 

Although the evidence shows that comprehensive sex education programs are highly effective, Tennessee legislators insist on mandating abstinence-only education (enacted in 2012) which is out of step with national standards. Healthy and Free Tennessee supports both local and state-level organizing in hopes to influence policy changes to support young people and their parents having the information they need to make the best choices possible for themselves and their families.




To learn more about the efforts to push for comprehensive sexual health education, follow HFTN on Facebook and Twitter (@HealthyFreeTN) and make sure that you sign up to receive our e-mails to stay updated. 

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